
On this page you can read about our vision and approach to how we work with our employees, the people in the value chain and our customers. At HEMA, we are there for everyone. We look after the people who work for us: in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. And globally too: at our foreign purchasing offices and in the factories. In supplier factories, we work together to empower employees.

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employees in shops, distribution centres and offices

We are proud of our 17,000 employees who are making HEMA truly HEMA again. Because of who they are and what they do. A little better every day. In the shops, distribution centres and offices in all our HEMA countries. Through four themes - be yourself, be brave, keep it simple and grow with us - we make sure our employees want to and continue working for HEMA and make HEMA truly HEMA again.

read more about our employees

our employees in terms of figures 2023

HEMA had 9,889 employees (based on head count) on 31 January, 2024. In HEMA Netherlands, 99.99% of employees were covered by a collective labour agreement, this is unknown for other countries.

number of employees by gender


womenmenfilled in otherwiseunknown
number of employees
number of permanent employees
number of temporary employees
number of employees with contracts without a guaranteed number of hours
number of full-time employees
number of part-time employees

number of employees by region

The NetherlandsBelgium & LuxembourgAustriaFranceGermanypurchasing
number of employees
number of permanent employees
number of temporary employees
number of employees with contracts without a guaranteed number of hours
number of full-time employees
number of part-time employees

number of employees by age

total% women% men% filled in otherwise% unknown
<30 years old







30-50 years





>50 years






employment conditions

We make virtually no distinction in employment conditions between full-time employees, except that employment conditions are allocated on a pro rata basis. In this, we have two exceptions: that employees working 12 hours or less can have their extra hours paid directly, and that the additional generation scheme only applies to employees working 20 hours or more. Additional hours do not apply to office-based employees, nor to salary scales 1-7.

training and development

Shops: vocational programmes, team leader programme, online training on shop processes, skills and personal development (e-learnings), vitality initiatives (workshops, challenges, vitality test), HEMA-100 training (for shops with the new shop concept by operations team (a.o. on customer focus, change management, product knowledge).

DC: vitality initiatives, leadership training by NONONS, MONDO behavioural workshops.

Office: onboarding programme and (online and physical), Summer Parade workshops (training day for all), leadership training MT+1 by QiQ, Good Habitz e-learnings, individual learning budget per employee of €70.

estimated hours (+/- 1770 hours) of training given to shop employees in the Netherlands.

SecurityKnowledge sessions220 hours
SCO - theft and prevention from HEMA10020 hours
Potential calls/online training SCO28 hours
Train the trainer sessions (regional trainers)26 hours
Improvement Action Plan explanation teams and online55 hours
(preparation adaptive training sco/customer experience)22 hours
Shop logisticsBasics in order: inventory management; region, TL days, knowledge sessions, other HEMA100 training courses1200 hours
SafetyKnowledge sessions220 hours
RI&E tool call introduction/explanation1 hour

performance and career development appraisals

The majority of our employees have had at least 1 appraisal per year. This percentage is lower in France and Germany, because for example there is no HR manager in Germany.

performance and career development appraisal by gender

% of number of employees who had at least 1 appraisal per year.65,5%80,3%19,7%1

performance and career development appraisal by job role

totaljob rolelocation
% of number of employees
​​​​​​​who had at least 1 appraisal per year.
5314Junior: 4789 Medior: 466
Senior: 59
Office: 515
DC: 649
Shop: 4150

be yourself

Everyone is welcome at HEMA - it has been that way ever since we began. We do our best to reflect the wider community. Everyone is different, and it is precisely the diversity of people that makes the work more enjoyable and the bond with our customers stronger. Thanks to the combination of perspectives, idiosyncrasies, talents and ideas under one roof, we are able look ahead together and come up with the creative and surprising solutions that HEMA is known for.

be yourself

Everyone is welcome at HEMA - it has been that way ever since we began. We do our best to reflect the wider community. Everyone is different, and it is precisely the diversity of people that makes the work more enjoyable and the bond with our customers stronger. Thanks to the combination of perspectives, idiosyncrasies, talents and ideas under one roof, we are able look ahead together and come up with the creative and surprising solutions that HEMA is known for.

satisfied employees

We ask our employees multiple times a year whether they feel valued, heard and involved, and can be who they want to be. We do this by sending out a digital questionnaire. In January 2023, employees reported an average rating of 8.0. In November 2023, the last measurement of the financial year, employees reported an average rating of 8.1.

task force HEMA pride

HEMA pride was set up as a group to promote understanding of the LGBT+ community. They are also committed to creating connection and a safe (working) environment and keeping policies in focus. Activities in 2023 included organising a connecting pride drink at the HEMA office and supporting various local shopping initiatives with Pink Saturday. The team also launched a special product page in collaboration with COC Netherlands for students, pupils and teachers to make products readily available for Purple Friday. The team also helped create inclusive permanent shop signage in the new and remodelled HEMA shops featuring a genderqueer person, for example. The roll-out started in the summer of 2023 and in 2024 these images will also be visible in 125 remodelled shops. The new signage shows HEMA that everyone is welcome. The launch and nationwide sale of a rainbow tompouce pastry was successful, which enabled us to donate part of the proceeds to COC Netherlands. In 2023, the HEMA Pride group worked to further professionalise their efforts that will continue to roll out in 2024 and is supported by their own budget. Part of this plan includes re-intensifying collaboration with various NGOs, strengthening collaboration with COC Netherlands, Workplace Pride and organising educational events for HEMA employees.

new company clothing

Our employees have been wearing new company clothing in our remodelled and new shops since 2023. They put together their own items in order to be totally themselves in their workwear.

visit by Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Robbert Dijkgraaf

On 27 September 2023, Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Robbert Dijkgraaf visited HEMA. The reason for this was the impending laws and regulations for companies on a more balanced male-female ratio at the (sub)top. The minister wanted to learn more about HEMA's aspirations on diversity and inclusiveness. He pointed out that it's good to see that HEMA is serious about creating an inclusive working environment. He paid particular attention to the positive examples being used by HEMA to realise its objectives. Such as the same parental leave for all families and the internal HEMA pride working group.

Great Place To Work

In 2023 HEMA achieved Great Place To Work certification Belgium. Almost 70% of our employees in Belgium completed a survey that measures a company's trust index: i.e. the level of trust employees have in their company as an employer. The certificate means that 7 in 10 employees confidently say this is a great place to work.

be brave

At HEMA, courage is in our DNA. It enables us to respond quickly to tomorrow's changes. This entrepreneurial attitude among our employees makes HEMA truly HEMA. And you can see it everywhere.

be brave

At HEMA, courage is in our DNA. It enables us to respond quickly to tomorrow's changes. This entrepreneurial attitude among our employees makes HEMA truly HEMA. And you can see it everywhere.


Posters with our brand values have been displayed in every location since 2023. There are five of them, and they say something about what we as HEMA want to portray. About our culture, way of working and current and future colleagues. A diverse group of employees from all business units were asked to be photographed promoting our values. These posters saying ‘this is us’ were shared at each work location and can be found hanging in the canteens, corridors, offices and meeting rooms. An internal video has also been made, which is available to view on our intranet hey HEMA, among others.

keep it simple

We keep it simple. No need for any fuss. We are always asking ourselves whether something could be simplified or more convenient. We welcome new ideas and technologies with open arms. This not only saves on costs but also allows us to move at pace. We welcome innovation if it simplifies our work. Or it frees up time that can be put into new initiatives.

keep it simple

We keep it simple. No need for any fuss. We are always asking ourselves whether something could be simplified or more convenient. We welcome new ideas and technologies with open arms. This not only saves on costs but also allows us to move at pace. We welcome innovation if it simplifies our work. Or it frees up time that can be put into new initiatives.

New HEMA employment conditions ​​​​​

On 1 July 2023, HEMA made the transition to the new HEMA employment conditions with the Retail Non-Food (RNF) collective labour agreement as the basis for it. Our affiliated companies already use this collective labour agreement. Company-specific schemes have been added for employees who are making the transition from their old CLA (HEMA CLA or HEMA HP CLA) to the new HEMA employment conditions. A transitional arrangement will also be in place for them. Every employee received a personal, accessible letter with an individual calculation that clearly showed what the transition would mean for an employee. An internal campaign was also set up with livestreams, newsletters, question-and-answer sessions, a roadshow and an on-call team. The majority of our employees switched to the new terms of employment.

artificial intelligence

Ongoing employee development is key. As such, we are increasingly seeing digitalisation as an opportunity. During the summer, all office employees and managers of the distribution centres and all employees of the HEMA offices in the Netherlands and Belgium attended a training day with artificial intelligence (AI) as the main theme. Everyone was asked to think about how AI can help with their jobs. Work is ongoing at the office as to how AI can simplify the way we work at HEMA.

grow with us

We stay true to ourselves and our trajectory but won't hesitate to change, to move with the world. Always something new, always flexible. Our employees grow as people and in their profession. We call it raising the bar at HEMA.

grow with us

We stay true to ourselves and our trajectory but won't hesitate to change, to move with the world. Always something new, always flexible. Our employees grow as people and in their profession. We call it raising the bar at HEMA.

logistics service centre

The logistics service centre is a key link in HEMA's logistics chain. In 2023, a study of the working culture was conducted in which employees were able to provide their input on what HEMA can do socially to make it a safer and more pleasant work environment. The survey identified three areas of concern, namely leadership, teamwork and communication and the working environment. Based on the survey results, the ‘pleasant and safe working’ project was launched, under which various activities were organised. Including roundtable sessions, themed newsletters, brainstorming sessions, training for managers and meetings.

In addition, an awareness-raising programme around ‘working safely’ was started at the logistics service centre; with various posters and tools to start the conversation about working safely with each other.

in balance

All over-60s at the logistics service centre (>100) have been invited to an information session and intake as part of ‘Healthy Retirement’. In addition, a workshop was organised for all distribution centre employees on the theme ‘sleep yourself fit’ and various vitality activities were highlighted in the context of ‘get the best out of yourself and HEMA’ using videos and news items. From the results of the employee satisfaction survey, we see that satisfaction has increased significantly at the distribution centres, with a good rise in levels of satisfaction on all aspects surveyed.

employees in the production chain

HEMA works with suppliers to make products. Together we keep making our products more sustainable and better. Our suppliers are all over the world. Some places pose a higher risk of violating human rights. We continuously monitor working conditions and work with suppliers and factories to bring about improvements.

We have developed a concrete policy and as such, closely monitor our production sites. In doing so, we are building transparency, policies and agreements. We set priorities in response to our risk analysis on human rights and environmental impact.


We are transparent about the factories that manufacture HEMA products and in which countries they are located. For example, external stakeholders are able to report any malpractice in an accessible way if they can directly see which factories produce for HEMA. Our suppliers and the factories that produce for HEMA have been publicly available on our website and the Open Supply Hub since 2019. In 2023, we added the food product category, which means that all factories, for all our product groups, are now public

due diligence

We follow the OECD Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence guidelines. These are guidelines for companies to take chain responsibility and prevent, stop, or mitigate any negative impact. In 2023, we published our due diligence statement based on these guidelines. In it, we share what risks we have identified in the countries where HEMA products are made. Due to our diverse product range and chains, we base our approach on the highest (potential) risks. The output from our due diligence approach forms the basis for this prioritisation.

sustainability due diligence statement

“2023 was all about dialogue. At our supply chain meeting in summer 2023, we discussed threats and opportunities, and how to improve our supply chain. We discussed ethical purchasing, along with how to empower employees in the supply chain. We gained valuable feedback, with the work being done by purchasing departments and working towards a fair wage being key priorities. In 2024 we will set about taking action in these areas."

Wilma Veldman

Chief Product Officer at HEMA

 highlighted elements of our due diligence policy

continuous improvement

Factories that will be making HEMA products are pre-audited by an external party on quality. This includes looking at capacity and potential use of sub-suppliers. Monitoring capacity is important to prevent illegal use of sub-suppliers. Factories in high-risk countries (according to the Amfori country classification) are also audited for social impact as well as quality. Our audit policy focuses on continuous improvement. We refer to this as our development approach. Audits are an important part of analysing and monitoring risks in our supply chain.

more about our development approach

our development approach

All production sites in high-risk countries must comply with our development approach which is based on continuous improvement.

our development approach

Total production sites in high-risk countries (<1year supply)80
Total production sites in high-risk countries (>1year supply)473
Total production sites in high-risk countries553

Number of active production sites in high-risk countries in 2023

HEMA's minimum requirements

Strengthening the position of employees in the chain and ensuring good working conditions is our priority. The first step to comply with our development approach is to meet an MRQ social compliance audit conducted by TÜV Rheinland.

# MRQ-sc audits*96
# MRQ-sc initial** OK12
# MRQ-sc initial CAP (corrective action plan)83
# MRQ-sc initial Not-OK + corrected1
# MRQ-sc current*** OK83
# MRQ-sc current CAP13
# MRQ-sc current Not-OK0
# closed CAP reports71**

*MRQ social compliance audit results in 2023 (OK = compliant, NOK = not compliant).

**The number of closed CAPs (corrective action plans) indicates that prior to delivery, the factory made improvements on social compliance.

Our policy is focused on continuous improvement. A few examples: Improvements were needed at 58 factories for worker safety. 53 sites have completed the improvements. The remaining five are still working on improvements. This means that safety has improved for more than 17,000 workers at the factory.

At six factories, not all workers had occupational accident insurance. Five factories now meet our criteria and one is in the process of doing so. In the five factories, 575 workers were uninsured. They are now insured. The last factory is still working on improvements.

Four factories were found to have substandard working conditions for HEMA. The required improvements were not made. This was a reason not to enter into a collaboration with these factories.

100% of improvement plans after the first MRQ-sc audit are implemented within the agreed time. Otherwise, a factory is not permitted to supply HEMA.

MRQ- sc audit16712496
International Accord192925

MRQ social compliance audit results in 2023.

Amfori BSCI-criteria

As a member of Amfori (the organisation that manages the social compliance standard BSCI), we ask production sites, which have been supplying HEMA for more than a year, to schedule a BSCI audit. Production sites can score an A to E, with A and B representing the best scores. We monitor the scores and insights on the BSCI sustainability platform. Last year, 467 BSCI audits took place. In case of a D-score, the supplier is contacted directly in order to drive rapid improvements. As in 2022, there were no E-scores in 2023.

Besides BSCI, we also accept standards that we can verify and are equivalent in our view, such as Sedex/SMETA. We regard a SA8000 certificate as a high achievement for a factory. To put that in to context; an MRQ social compliance audit is not required for these factories.



BSCI A-score


BSCI B-score


BSCI C-score


BSCI D-score


Suppliers with other accepted standards
(such as SEDEX)


Suppliers with SA8000 certificate


Not yet audited, or expired audit.


BSCI audit scores in 2022 and 2023. ​​​​​​​


HEMA re-signed the Pakistan Accord & Bangladesh Accord.


For nearly 100 years, HEMA has captured a place in the hearts of our customers. Everyone comes to HEMA. And they can: we have accessible and cosy shops where our customers like to do their shopping.

During 2023 we implemented and tested a number of improvements to our shop concept, such as new self-scanning checkouts. Our customers were very satisfied with these modifications, so we will continue to revamp more shops in 2024. Customers can also enjoy shopping with us online, we are continuously improving our website. So that customers can more easily find what they are looking for.

more about our customers

more about our customers

customer research

To stay in tune with our customers' wishes and needs, we carry out a lot of customer research. In 2023 alone, this amounted to almost 150 surveys. These provide us with insight into the assessment of our products, target groups, developments in the market and HEMA's image. This is important information for, among others, our purchasing staff in the office and is a good starting point for our designers. This is why we communicate key results and campaigns in our internal newsletter.

We have regular discussions with our own HEMA customer panel. This allows our customers to directly influence HEMA's direction.

customer service

In 2023, we assisted approximately 900,000 customers from all countries where HEMA has a presence through various channels through our HEMA customer service. For example, we helped with questions about orders, our loyalty programme or HEMA products.

The channels through which our customers can contact us are by phone, the website, chat on the website and in our app, email, Facebook, X and Instagram. In addition, our digital assistant has been able to help many of our customers independently either on the phone or through chat. A quick and direct answer to your question - it's so easy! Most questions in 2023 were about our online orders and their delivery to our shops or home.

On our website, we have revamped the customer service page. This makes it even easier for customers to find answers to a question themselves, and logging in provides a personalised experience.

customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction with the HEMA customer service is measured through a survey, which is sent to each customer by email after the call/chat has concluded. In this survey, we ask our customers whether they would recommend the HEMA customer service to friends or family (NPS) and whether their question was answered satisfactorily. We also ask all our customers how they perceived the friendliness and knowledge of our customer service staff (CSAT).

In 2023, this was the sum of all interactions with one of our employees:

NPS: 45 (scale from -100 to +100)

CSAT: 8,5 (scale from 1 to 10)

In 2022 NPS 40, CSAT 8; in 2021 NPS 30 and CSAT 7.5.

Our digital assistant is rated an average of 8 (CSAT) by our customers. We are proud that, for the 3rd year in a row, our customers rate our customer service more highly again. This is how we make things a little better for our customers every day.

loyalty card

  • In 2023, there were 4,888,010 loyalty cardholders in the Netherlands and Belgium. In 2022, there were 3,936,845.
  • Customers prefer to go for discounts or free products (such as the tompouce pastry on your birthday, a cup of coffee or tea and syrup waffles).

everyone loves HEMA

Siepie and Takkie captured the hearts of television viewers at Christmas. Consequently, HEMA's Christmas commercial was crowned winner at the Ster Gouden Loeki 2023 awards ceremony. It's the first time we have won the People's Choice Award prize for advertising.



loyalty card holders

in 2023


customers served



customer rating



customer rating



scale from 1 to 10

*NPS: Net Promotor Score
*CSAT: Customer Satisfaction Score