foreword by
​​​​​​​Saskia Egas Reparaz (CEO)

everything starts with a good idea

This is the third sustainability report that as CEO I have had the pleasure of contributing the foreword to. Over the past three years, we have worked hard to bring our mission 'a better everyday life in a more beautiful world' to life. The direction we have mapped out is becoming increasingly visible. Our customers appreciate HEMA more and are coming more often; this is also reflected in the financial results.

In the past three years, a great deal has happened in the world around us too, changes with significant impact that have affected many people. Think of changing geopolitical relations, growing concerns about the climate, shortages in the labour market, rising inflation and costs, and technical developments in artificial intelligence. The impact of the changing world challenges HEMA to stay the course while adapting and adjusting ourselves.

To many, sustainability looks like an unaffordable luxury. Today's consumers want more for less and faster. At the same time, that consumer is a public citizen, a human being with values and an intrinsic desire for a more beautiful, better world and future. We are convinced that these two sides need not clash, but instead come together effectively in what we call 'the consuman' in our quest to make HEMA truly HEMA again.

An important part of that trajectory is developing products that are more beautiful, more practical, better and last longer. We are able to do this because we design all our products ourselves, and they come from good ideas.

watch our tv commercial here

And we mean a really good idea: a clever design. Like an extendable bodysuit with a double row of press-studs, so it last longer. Or reusable products such as gift wrap, cotton garlands and make-up pads. We also offer vegetarian variations of our smoked sausage and hot dog as well as a delicious apple pie that is completely vegan.

We do this from an intrinsic motivation for a better everyday life in a more beautiful world. We see the fact that legislation on sustainability is rightly becoming increasingly stringent as an incentive and opportunity, not a restraint. Our goal in the coming years is to transform HEMA from 'a company that does sustainable things' to 'a sustainable company'.

That's what I stand for as CEO and also as a mother. As a company, we MUST take that responsibility and invest in the future of the next generations now. Not later. Now.

Saskia Egas Reparaz


Saskia on 'What's holding us back?'

CEOs of large companies must take the lead in making our economy more sustainable. How do they do that? What obstacles do they encounter? How do they resist the temptation of short-term gains that in the long-term will damage the climate and our environment? In this special Christmas broadcast of "What's holding us back?" by HUMAN, Jeroen Smit talks to three pioneers: our CEO Saskia Egas Reparaz, CEO of Bavaria Peer Swinkels and Auping CEO Jan-Joost Bosman.