about this report

content and data collection sustainability report

This sustainability report covers the period from 1 February 2023 to 31 January 2024. The report relates to HEMA's (inter)national activities, within its own organisation. The content of the report is based on material topics, stakeholder information requirements and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. This report is in line with GRI Standards 2021 (‘with reference to’). The GRI table and sustainability report can be found at​​​​​​​ www.hema.nl/goed-idee/duurzaamheidsverslagen. We worked with various departments to gather the information. The sustainability team carries will do the internal review of the report. HEMA's management team (MT) is responsible for overseeing and approving sustainability information. In 2023, all MT members were involved in the report. MT provides approval for publication. This report has not been externally verified. The CEO and CFO approve the financial statements and sustainability report. This report was published on 15 July 2024.

about HEMA


© 2024 HEMA B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a computerised database, or published, in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording, or any other means, without prior written permission from HEMA. Despite all due diligence in compiling this report, HEMA cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from any error in this publication.

This report has been produced in collaboration with Schuttelaar & Partners.

Photography: HEMA

Want to know more about HEMA and sustainability?

If you have a question or comment, please let us know. Please email​​​​​​​ sustainability@hema.nl.

GRI table

view our GRI table

about HEMA


Hollandsche Eenheidsprijzen Maatschappij Amsterdam, HEMA, is a private limited liability company with its registered office (KvK number 34215639) and head office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Since February 2021, Dutch investment companies Mississippi Ventures and Parcom are joint owners of HEMA.

The reporting period of this report is concurrent with our financial year. This report covers the same entities as those in our annual financial report.

On 25 January 2023, HEMA established MOCEH B.V. (‘MOCEH’) and holds 100% of the shares. Together, MOCEH and HEMA set up HEMA Eco C.V. (HEMA Eco), where HEMA owns 60.8% and MOCEH 39.2%. Effective 30 January 2023, MOCEH B.V. merged with HEMA B.V. As such MOCEH and HEMA Eco no longer exist. For more information, please refer to explanatory note 4 Financial fixed assets of the company financial statements.

In addition, HEMA UK I Ltd and HEMA UK II Ltd were established on 9 July 2020 as part of the restructuring. Both are a wholly owned subsidiary of HEMA. The entities had no operations in 2020-2023 and will be liquidated after the reporting date in 2024. As all UK shops are closed, HEMA Retail Limited was liquidated in 2023. HEMA Spain S.L. will also be liquidated in 2023.

The following are HEMA's subsidiaries as of 28 January 2024. These are all consolidated wholly-owned subsidiaries, according to article 379 B2 BW:

The Netherlands

HEMA Germany B.V.*, Amsterdam

HEMA Financial Services B.V.*, Amsterdam

HEMA Financing B.V.*, Amsterdam

HEMA Department Stores B.V., Amsterdam

HEMA Belgium B.V., Amsterdam


HEMA Belgium B.V., Uccle, Belgium

HEMA Deutschland GmbH, Essen, Germany

HEMA GmbH & Co KG**, Essen, Germany (indirect subsidiary)

HEMA France S.A.S., Paris, France

HEMA Austria GmbH, Vienna, Austria

HEMA UK I Limited, Birmingham, United Kingdom

HEMA UK II Limited, Birmingham, United Kingdom


HEMA Far East Ltd., Hong Kong

HEMA (Shanghai) trading Consultancy Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China

*) Pursuant to section 403 B2 DCC, HEMA has issued declarations of liability for these subsidiaries.

**) HEMA GmbH & Co. KG, Essen, Germany, makes use of the exemption clause under Section 264b of the German Commercial Code regarding the preparation, auditing and publication of its financial statements.

***) The entity opted for statutory audit exemption under s479a of the UK Companies Act 2006.

HEMA sustainability report 2023 GRI table

GRI Standards 2021
GRI 1: Foundation 2021
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021reference
2-1Organisation detailstrue HEMA
about this report
2-2Entities of the organisation included in sustainability reportingtrue HEMA
about this report
2-3Reporting period, frequency and contact pointabout this report
more about our governance
2-4Redrafting of informationview our 2022 climate footprint
2-5External assuranceabout this report
2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsvalue creation model
our chain
2-7Employeesread more about our employees
2-8Workers who are not permanent employeesread more about our employees
2-9Governance structure and compositioninternal safeguarding
more about our governance
2-12Role of highest governance body in overseeing the management of impactinternal safeguarding
more about our governance
employees in the production chain
2-13Delegation of responsibilities for managing impactmore about our governance
2-14Role of the highest governance body with regard to sustainability reportingmore about our governance
2-16Communication of critical concernsgrievance mechanisms
2-17Shared knowledge of the highest governing bodymore about our governance
2-19Remuneration policymore about our governance
2.22Statement on the strategy for sustainable developmentforeword
2.23Policy commitmentsemployees in the production chainexternal safeguarding
2.24Embedding of policy commitmentsemployees in the production chainexternal safeguarding
2.25Process for preventing negative impactemployees in the production chain
2.26Mechanism for seeking advice and raising concernsemployees in the production chain
2.27Compliance with laws and regulationsinternal safeguarding
2.28Membership associationsexternal safeguarding
2.29Approach to stakeholder engagementexternal safeguarding
2.30Collective labour agreementsread more about our employees
material issues
GRI 3: material issues 2021reference
3-1Process to identify material issuesmateriality analysis 2021
3-2List of material issuesmateriality analysis 2021
3-3Management of material topicsthe environment
more about our governance
reduction of CO2 emissionsreference
305305-1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1)
305-2: Indirect energy - greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2)
305-3: Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3)
305-4: Greenhouse gas emissions intensity
305-5: Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
climate change
responsible purchasing and use of raw materialsreference
Sector disclosure 13.23.3Percentage of certified raw materials in sourcing of cotton, down, wood and paper, palm oil in cosmetics and food, cocoa, tea, coffee, meat, dairy and fishcertifications
own personnelreference
401-2Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees.read more about our employees
Training and developmentread more about our employees
405-1Diversity of governing bodies and staffread more about our employees
good employment conditions for suppliersreference
414-1New suppliers assessed against social criteriaemployees in the production chain
sustainable designreference
Own indicatorInnovate and design our products on the basis of HEMA values. One of those values is that a product has a longer lifespan.true HEMA
transparency about impactreference
Own indicatorPublication of a report on environmental, human and organisational (ESG) impact according to GRI guidelinesthe environment
more about our governance
strengthen position of employees in the chainreference
Own indicator% of employees at production sites in our top 5 high-risk countries who have access to a grievance mechanism (internal or external)employees in the production chain
transparante ketenreference
Own indicatorTransparency and insight into factories producing for HEMA by publishing list of factories (tier 1 and 2)employees in the production chain
being a good employerreference
Own indicatorEmployee awareness scoreemployees in shops, distribution centres and offices