
In this chapter, we outline our organisation and how we safeguard our approach to people and the environment. We also talk about meaningful collaborations with our stakeholders.

A heat pump was installed at our logistics service centre in April 2023. Compared to 2022, the energy consumption fell by over 27% within 9 months.

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internal safeguarding

To carry out our mission, it is important to be well-organised. We explain this through a number of internal themes that make it clear how we make decisions and who is responsible for what part.

Code of Conduct as a basis

In our working relationship with each other, as well as with our customers and suppliers, we adhere to policy principles described in our​​​​​​​ Code of Conduct. That is the basis of all our partnerships and actions.

HEMA values integrity, respect and trust. We believe it is important that employees report any wrongdoing they encounter in the course of their work and do not feel restricted to do so in any way. All those working at HEMA should feel at home and, above all, safe. An employee can go to hr, the compliance officer, managers and external confidential counsellors. The external confidential advisor shares an anonymised report with HEMA annually, which provides insight into the quantity and nature of disclosures and how they have been dealt with. This report also allows HEMA to recognise possible patterns and take action if necessary.

management team

Saskia Egas Reparaz

CEO (executive board)

Jurriaan Pouw

CFO (executive board)

Wilma Veldman


Bas Verheijen


Machiel Lagerweij


Pieter Heij


Filippien Wagenmakers


sustainability team

Eva Ronhaar

sustainability director

Xander Kotvis

environmental impact

Marieke Doolaard

due diligence,
​​​​​​​production chain

Milou America

sustainability specialist

Fuusje Schlette

jr. sustainability specialist

departments involved

other departments involved, such as legal affairs, purchasing and quality, have a designated sustainability specialist.

our organisational structure

At HEMA, we work on sustainability with everyone.

The sustainability department is responsible for developing the sustainability strategy into a policy and for setting objectives together with various departments, such as legal affairs, purchasing and quality. In this way, all employees ensure the implementation and monitoring of the sustainability policy. To monitor progress on sustainability, the sustainability department, with support from other departments, shares a quarterly report with the management team, managers of various departments and relevant employees.

Members of the Executive Board are Saskia Egas Reparaz (CEO) and Jurriaan Pouw (CFO) and they are responsible for HEMA's strategy. Sustainability has a central place in this. The CEO is (ultimately) responsible for the sustainability policy and its realisation. The Executive Board is part of the management team. Being a leader in sustainability is also one of the management team's seven KPIs.

more about our governance

our governance

The Management Team (MT) and the Supervisory Board form HEMA's governance. The management team is responsible for the day-to-day management of HEMA.


The Management Team (MT) and the Supervisory Board form HEMA's governance. The management team is responsible for the day-to-day management of HEMA and consists of seven people: the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Customer Officer, the Chief Product Officer, the Chief Technology Officer, the Chief Operations Officer and the Chief People Officer. The Executive Board is the statutory management of HEMA BV and consists of the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer.

The Supervisory Board of HEMA is responsible for supervising and advising the MT in the fulfilment of its management duties. The Supervisory Board focuses on the interests of the company and comprises five people. Topics include the appointment, performance and remuneration of the MT, risk management, international expansion, marketing, e-commerce, franchising, supply chain, financing and cash flow of HEMA. Regular agenda items include financial and operational performance, market share development and general business.

Two members of the Supervisory Board were appointed as Audit Committee. Among other things, this committee oversees financial reporting, risk management, internal controls and advises the Supervisory Board on the appointment of HEMA's independent external auditor.


Individual fixed remuneration agreements have been reached with the management team. Salary scales have been set up for fixed pay within which salaries can grow. On the basis of an annual appraisal, salaries can increase up to the maximum of the relevant scale. Compensation for termination of employment is determined on a case-by-case basis. If such termination is part of a reorganisation, these employees are covered by the Social Plan.

Variable remuneration is dependent on the performance of the company's objectives. In case of underperformance, the right to the variable remuneration lapses. The compulsory industry pension fund for the retail sector applies to all employees. As such, the management team is affiliated to the same pension scheme as all other employees.

‘Leading in the sustainability movement’ is one of seven indicators (KPIs) for governance. The governance's performance is not assessed by an independent party.

management team

(incl. Executive Board), 31 January 2023

Saskia Egas Reparaz


start date: 1-6-2021

gender: Female

Previously, she was CEO of drugstore chain ETOS and a member of the European leadership team at Ahold Delhaize

Jurriaan Pouw


start date: 1-4-2022

gender: Male

Before HEMA, Jurriaan worked in various management positions in retail as CFO at C1000 and e-commerce manager at Jumbo.

Wilma Veldman


start date: 1-6-2021

gender: Female

Wilma manages HEMA's core business: good, sustainable products and services with distinctive design and competitive prices.

Bas Verheijen


start date: 1-6-2021

gender: Male

Bas is an experienced retail marketer and strategist. He focuses on connecting the strong HEMA formula with today's customer.

Machiel Lagerweij


start date: 1-8-2021

gender: Male

Machiel is responsible for HEMA's in-store operations.

Pieter Heij


start date: 1-6-2021

gender: Male

Pieter is responsible for IT, e-commerce and logistics.

Filippien Wagenmakers


start date: 1-10-2022

gender: Female

Filippien is a passionate HR professional with extensive national and international experience in retail and HR.

Supervisory Board

31 January 2023

Pieter Haas

Chairman appointed in accordance with HEMA Works Council's right of recommendation

start date: 1 February 2021

end date: 31 January 2025

ultimate: 2033

gender: Male

Bas Becks

Parcom Commissioner

start date: 1 February 2021

end date: 31 January 2025

ultimate: 2033

gender: Male

Wilco Jiskoot

Independent Commissioner

start date: 1 February 2021

end date: 31 January 2025

ultimate: 2033

gender: Male

Ton van Veen

Mississippi Ventures commissioner

start date: 1 February 2021

end date: 31 January 2025

ultimate: 2033

gender: Male

Ronald van der Vis

Independent Commissioner

start date: 1 February 2021

end date: 31 January 2025

ultimate: 2033

gender: Male


HEMA's governance (management team and Executive Board) is responsible for corporate strategy. Sustainability is an important focal point in this. Developments and sustainability targets are monitored and discussed at the sustainability consultation. Present in this are the CEO, CFO, CPO, CPeO, and representatives from the communications, legal, quality, buying desk, risk & audit and sustainability departments. In January 2024, the sustainability committee transitioned to the ESG committee, which discusses all sustainability issues and preparation for CSRD implementation on a monthly basis.

The sustainability team, consisting of three employees, is responsible for the sustainability policy, managing impact and steering performance and reports to the CEO, who has ultimate responsibility for the matter. The team reports quarterly to the CEO on actions and progress on sustainability indicators. Both the CEO and the CPO are signatories to relevant agreements such as the International Accord and the Pakistan Accord for the textile and clothing industry. Executives are briefed quarterly on the progress of targets. Information is provided by various departments.

The sustainability team is responsible for sustainability policy and strategy development. Colleagues from other HEMA departments are responsible for implementing the policy: including legal department, buying desk (packaging expert and product sustainability expert) and quality (audits MRQ).

Every month (and more often if necessary), the team consults with the CPO, responsible for, among other things, the chain and risks involved and the appropriate HEMA approach. Every quarter, the sustainability team shares a quarterly internal report with the management team and managers of the various departments. In it, progress is shared on targets on transparency, risks, packaging, environmental impact and certification. Every month (and when necessary), the sustainability department consults with the CPO on progress.

sustainability reporting

Progress on sustainability is shared annually in the public sustainability report. HEMA's management team is responsible for overseeing and approving sustainability information. The corporate communications team coordinates the format and process. Teams within HEMA supplied the required information. The management team issues final approval for publication of the sustainability report. In this report, we are still reporting on material topics from the 2021 analysis. Next year, we will be reporting in line with our new material topics from the 2023 dual materiality analysis. HEMA's CEO and CFO contributed to the structure of the dual materiality analysis and are involved in the outcomes and objectives.


Governance (MT and Executive Board) are involved and present in consultations with stakeholders. The MT as a whole attends strategy days (employees, supplier), stakeholder meeting (January 2024) (colleagues, NGOs, collaborative partners), Say HEMA (with customers) and other touch points. Feedback from these consultations is continually factored into the formation of the sustainability policy.

quality and safety

Product quality and safety are important priorities for HEMA. As such we are committed to providing our customers with safe and high-quality products that meet their needs.

HEMA sells almost all of its products under its own brand, or private label. This means we are considered a manufacturer by law, which brings additional responsibilities and obligations. For example, product safety for each item must be demonstrable and recorded in a file. Assurance of this begins with a product's design and remains central throughout the process: to consumer use and end-of-life.

important themes for our Product Quality & Safety (PK&V) department include:

  • producer assessment
  • ensuring compliance with EU legislation and HEMA requirements
  • ensuring consistent quality
  • prevention of complaints about quality and safety
  • prevention of recalls and sales blockades

more about our quality, safety and compliance department

our quality, safety and compliance department

producer assessment

A producer assessment is an evaluation process to assess a producer's performance and capabilities. Over the past year, we have focused on improving the producer assessment template: a tool we use for evaluation. A template provides us with an improved and ordered understanding of the information collected during quality audits. With it, we can immediately set up more effective monitoring. The quality of the producer assessment will thereby become more measurable and comparable. Improvements will also be easier and quicker to implement.

compliance with EU legislation and HEMA requirements

In 2023, the EU Council and the European Parliament agreed on the successor to the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD). It will be replaced by the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). New within the scope of the GPSR is the focus on digital technology, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, online sales and food imitation products. Among other things, better traceability and quicker exchange of information on unsafe products, as well as addressing new risks created by the growth of digital technology and online sales, are covered by the GPSR. We are seeing that the GPSR will have a significant impact on system installations. It will therefore be important to closely monitor the implementation of the GPSR, which is expected by the end of 2024.

Ensuring consistency in terms of quality and preventing complaints, recalls and sales blockages

By drawing up quality assurance documents (QA documents), the laws and regulations with which the product must comply and any additional tests we want to carry out to ensure the best possible quality are precisely defined for each product. In the unlikely event that customers are still not satisfied with the product, or it even has to be taken off the market, the root causes must be identified in order to make improvements. In 2024, the processes related to this topic will be further defined.

Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA)

The NVWA carried out a system audit, and it revealed no nonconformities. HEMA was given a positive assessment. In 2023, the NVWA also investigated the safety of wooden toys on the Dutch market. This assessed whether these toys meet the relevant safety requirements, as named in the Toys Directive (2009/48/EC) and the Commodities Act Decree on Toys 2011, by testing the toys according to the European harmonised standard NEN-EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018. HEMA met the assessed safety requirements.

outlook for 2024

One of the biggest projects of 2024 is the launched benchmark study on the best software tool to bring documents, processes, tools, internal controls and functionalities together more effectively. The aim of having such a software tool is basically to (more) easily comply with current and upcoming laws and regulations, but also to systematically follow up on HEMA policies.

information security

Cybersecurity is the protection of digital assets and information belonging to HEMA and its customers. This includes all measures taken to protect programmes, computers and networks from digital crime. The HEMA Security Office is in charge of this.

Cybersecurity is the protection of digital assets and information belonging to HEMA and its customers. This includes all measures taken to protect programmes, computers and networks from digital crime. The Netherlands and also HEMA is digitising. It is therefore important that HEMA has a clear approach to cybersecurity and implements it. The HEMA Security Office developed a new vision to ensure information security in January 2022. In 2023, the focus has been on monitoring and conducting proactive security testing. This way we can identify and fix vulnerabilities before cybercriminals exploit them.

read more about our approach here

information security

well-oiled information security

After strong growth of the HEMA Security Office and a big leap in terms of maturity in information security in 2022 and 2023, the next few years are all about optimisation and automation. Information security is by far a driver for innovation and ease of use, not only being secure but also usable. Using a top-down approach, from business-critical to trivial system, we strive for a HEMA that is ‘Cloud native’ and ‘Secure by design’. In this way, security measures are increasingly integrated into our daily operations, and colleagues can independently make well-informed decisions regarding information security risks in their daily work. In this, the HEMA Security Office is the trusted point of contact and advisor for employees, management and partners. Information security strategy and policy is discussed monthly in the information security and privacy commission meeting.

personal data & supply chain risk

The HEMA Security Office works with the Privacy team, Legal Affairs and the purchasing team of so-called ‘Not For Re-sale goods’ to ensure our suppliers' security. In the vendor security assessment, the teams see to it that the privacy of personal data according to General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) is respected, contractual risks are weighed up and they also look at whether vendors are complying with HEMA's security requirements and standards. This is how we keep our customer data and our supply chain secure.

external safeguarding

Besides engaging in dialogue with our own employees and organising our mission, we are also looking to the wider world. We actively engage with others involved in our business and the wider community.

view the stakeholder overview

stakeholder overview

The management team and governance are involved in various consultations with stakeholders. For example, the management team attended our stakeholder meeting on the supply chain, working visits by ministers and MPs and other discussions. This is shown below by stakeholder group.



discuss HEMA's strategy and progress and receive feedback from colleagues


management team visits, updates through the intranet, strategy days




strategy, vital organisation, sustainability, product range updates

business owners


discuss HEMA's strategy and progress


strategy days, intranet, meetings, newsletter




strategy and execution

shareholders and investors


informing and determining strategy


consult SB, Executive Board, question ESG




strategy, financial information

employee organisation (trade unions)


continuous dialogue






collective labour agreement, production chain



provide information, continuous improvement


continuous dialogue, strategy days, supplier newsletter




strategy, sustainability objectives

collaborative partners, civil society organisations and NGOs


providing information on strategy and sustainability and receiving feedback


1-to-1, stakeholder meeting, projects




strategy, sustainability



consultation, information on strategy and product range, concept testing


surveys, social media, customer service, customer panel




concepts and products, strategy, sustainability



providing information on strategy and sustainability and receiving feedback


stakeholder meetings, projects




strategy, sustainability
